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  • Writer's pictureZachary Stetter

Dragon Hair Rendering

Updated: May 7, 2020

With the dragon's animation done, I could start rendering the dragon's hair. This proved to be a little more difficult than rendering for Saint George, as the scenes were not really optimized in a way for me to get geometry into the scene and caching it. Unfortunately, the scenes were made up of thousands of frames with only a few of those frames actually being needed to be rendered.

The other issue that arose was the fact that the frames were much slower to cache. While it only took a few minutes for a couple hundred of George's frames to cache, it took about 3 minutes a frame for the dragon. This meant that many nights were spent setting up the scenes for the dragon and letting them cache, checking on them to make sure that everything was working as it should. I also took this opportunity to use multiple computers. Luckily, the dragon had less scenes to render out than the dragon, meaning that I had less to do. It still became a problem if there was any scene that needed to be made more than once.

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