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  • Writer's pictureZachary Stetter

The beginning of our Lizard

Alongside the hair, I started to work on creating our lizard character. We had a rough blockout to give the idea of what we wanted the shape to be, but I was able to complete a more filled out basemesh for him. It took a lot of discussion from the group, but we eventually figured the balance that we were going for.

With the lizard, there was some discussion on how exactly we wanted to do it. Some leaned towards a more cartoony look, whereas others wanted a strictly realistic approach. In the end, I was able to combine a bit of both, and I think that it worked out for the best. I was able to create a Lizard that had cartoony attributes to it (like an underbite with 'teeth' protruding and spikes along its head), but still managed to keep fairly realistic proportions. With this combination, I think it fits well into the scene and environment that we are hoping to create with this short.

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